Did You Know Today is “Introduce a Girl to Engineering” Day?

Did You Know Today is “Introduce a Girl to Engineering” Day?

As a pharmacy robotics and automation company, there’s a lot of engineering that happens at the ScriptPro campus every day! Several ScriptPro engineers make an effort to mentor local programs geared towards introducing math and science to kids. One such program, LEARN Math & Science Club, is one we’ve been involved with for a number of years.

“LEARN’s kids have had wonderful experiences learning from and working with ScriptPro’s team. Our kids first toured ScriptPro in 2010 when most of the kids were just 9 and 10 years old,” says Rebecca Kidwell, LEARN’s president.

That year, inspired by the tour, they conceived a biomedical engineering device that instructs patients to take the right medicine at the right time and in the right dose. They later won a Lemelson-MIT grant that allowed them to develop and patent that device.

Since then, most of those kids entered our high school robotics program, and ScriptPro continued to inspire them. Several wonderful mentors from ScriptPro have guided and supported them through three years of robot building. Plus, ScriptPro has helped our kids print robot parts and provided substantial funding for their robo team.

ScriptPro’s engineers have taught our kids that they are important and can make a difference. This is especially important for our girls who benefit greatly from the role models like ScriptPro Mechanical Engineering Manager Stacy Orr and other female engineers and programmers.

According to Mike Skaggs, ScriptPro Senior Mechanical Engineer, his involvement with LEARN over the past three years has been extremely rewarding and challenging.

The children are very motivating, positive, and fun to be around. It’s really satisfying to see their ideas put into practice, and watch them learn and grow. I would encourage any child, and especially girls, to get involved with math and science related activities! No matter what their vocation ends up being, these fundamentals will serve them well.