Matt talks about the big changes behind the pharmacy counter since adding “Rosie” the robot

Matt talks about the big changes behind the pharmacy counter since adding “Rosie” the robot

In this week’s video, Matt Mallinson, R.Ph., shares his first-hand experience with his SP 200 robot, lightheartedly referred to as “Rosie.” There’s already a lot of feedback to share ten days after “Go-Live.” ScriptPro’s Ann Schneider is there to find out how life has changed behind the pharmacy counter at Matt’s Medicine Store with the addition of their new “workmate.”

When the SP 200 was first installed, Matt’s initial thought was that he’d end up with more inventory and cause cash flow to go up in turn. He’s realized that not only has his inventory not gone up, but cash flow in reality, has improved. Using the SP 200 helps him be more aware of inventory in general, made him more managerial, and helped him work more intelligently.

Matt also enjoys the various reports available to him and his staff. Just a simple tap on a screen and he can manage his inventory, knowing which cells are empty and need to be refilled and helping him stay on top of ordering so that nothing runs out. One report shows that in the first week Rosie was filling 45% of prescriptions, resulting in keeping staff members from running back and forth all day long.

“I don’t know if ScriptPro hired a bunch of pharmacists to sit in a room and figure out what to do. I don’t know if they’ve been in the field, or if pharmacists themselves developed it, but it fits in perfectly,” says Matt.

In addition to fitting in with their workflow, Matt likes that it’s not obtrusive and doesn’t take up much space. He says it’s quiet and that having a screen that moves around and can be checked from both sides is a great benefit. Matt adds, “I couldn’t have designed it better myself.”