ScriptPro Meets Unique Needs of Children’s Pharmacy with SP Central Pharmacy Management System

ScriptPro Meets Unique Needs of Children’s Pharmacy with SP Central Pharmacy Management System

Children’s Mercy Hospitals and Clinics (CMH&C) in Kansas City, MO, was in need of significant advances in technology and processes for their outpatient pharmacy. According to Wendy Robinson, R.Ph., Assistant Director of Pharmacy,

“With ScriptPro, CMH&C found a willing partner to develop innovative features specific to the unique needs of a children’s pharmacy.”

Pharmacy practice in a children’s setting is very different from pharmacy for the adult population, and proper medication dosing is absolutely critical. ScriptPro worked with CMH&C to incorporate weight-based dosing logic, pediatric drug utilization review (DUR) modules, and unique prescription “SIG” features into the software. Since children are growing and change in size frequently, the ScriptPro system interfaces with the hospital systems to update the patient’s information. Prompts are offered for pharmacists to check the current weight and height of the patient, which for every prescription is factored in to calculate the appropriate dose for that patient, saving valuable pharmacist time and improving accuracy. Chip Bruce, R.Ph., Outpatient Pharmacy Manager, says,

“When I first came to the hospital, I calculated every single dose for every single prescription. After 1,000 prescriptions, I realized that ScriptPro was coming up with the same number automatically. The time saved was measureable, not to mention improved accuracy ScriptPro delivers.”

Through the implementation of SP Central Pharmacy Management System, CMH&C was able to transition from providing medication to patients as a service to providing high quality pharmaceutical care that coincides with the excellent medical care and unique prescribing practices of a pediatric-focused medical team.