Automated Pharmacy System at Medicine Shoppe Improves Efficiency, Safety, and Stress Level

Automated Pharmacy System at Medicine Shoppe Improves Efficiency, Safety, and Stress Level

If you have ever worked in a truly chaotic environment, you know it is not only stressful but a breeding ground for errors. Inside a pharmacy, errors can mean a very sick patient, or worse.

Bruce Sharp, R.Ph., and owner of a Medicine Shoppe in Ventura, CA, always thought that having an automated pharmacy system made a lot of sense. In 2002, he decided to take a serious look at automation, and after much research felt ScriptPro’s SP 200 accomplished much more than the other options.

Sharp didn’t want disorder or confusion in his pharmacy. He says,

“I’m an efficiency nut. I can’t work in a place where things are scattered all over. Chaos doesn’t promote safety. The robot and the workflow, with tracking and recording capabilities, maximize our efficiency, and therefore our safety.”

Adding the SP 200 was also a way to stabilize wages. After implementation of their automated pharmacy system, Sharp and his staff are able to focus on helping customers – the most important task! After the SP 200, they added SP Central Workflow for the quality control. Sharp notes,

“Now, if we get a bottle from the shelf, scan it with SP Central Workflow, and we get that error message telling us it’s not the exact medication for the prescription, we’ve just prevented an error.”

The biggest step for Medicine Shoppe was incorporating ScriptPro’s “Perfect Integration.” Sharp says,

“We added SP Central Pharmacy Management System, so our pharmacy automation system is now all on one platform. Over time, as I have worked with ScriptPro I have seen how this company does business. From the beginning, I was impressed with the thoroughness of every step—from preparing for the robot installation, to training our staff, to the customer service ScriptPro offers.”