ScriptPro 340B Software: Strategic, Comprehensive Tool for Pharmacies
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ScriptPro 340B Software: Strategic, Comprehensive Tool for Pharmacies

ScriptPro cares about communities, not just customers. Savings or revenue earned from the 340B program plays a vital role in improving community services. Pharmacies have regulatory hurdles and business challenges to consider when incorporating this program.

Our 340B Management Package provides pharmacies an advanced tool for managing a 340B program. ScriptPro’s SP Central pharmacy software automates everything you need to fill, track, order, and maintain compliance when processing prescriptions from segregated inventories.

You can assign the same drug (NDC) to multiple inventories, set different ordering points by inventory for the same NDC, and create designated queues or color-coded fonts to easily identify which inventory stock to use to fill a prescription. There are also numerous advantages when ordering drug stock, including segregation of orders and receiving new drug pricing updates automatically by inventory center.


ScriptPro 340B Management Package

340B Management Package maximizes profits, minimizes paperwork, and streamlines workflow so you can focus on a higher priority — providing the best care and service to your patients. Here are just a few of the valuable tools this package offers:

  • 340B Claims Processing — Establishes 340B claims processing payer sheets to ensure 340B-specific data is transmitted appropriately in order to maintain compliance with 340B rules and regulations. Sorting out duplicate discount/rebates submitted under Medicaid is eliminated.
  • 340B Supplier EDI Interface and Inventory Setup — Works with the pharmacy’s 340B supplier to implement an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) for electronic transmission of orders to and order acknowledgement from the supplier.
  • 340B Price Tables — Engages with the pharmacy’s finance team and/or pharmacy manager to establish a 340B pricing model that meets the pharmacy’s needs. ScriptPro configures Price Tables to ensure proper pricing is submitted and prescriptions are billed at the customer’s preferred rate to ensure maximum return from the third party payer.

Rely on ScriptPro for 340B audit compliance

When it comes to 340B audit compliance, you can rely on ScriptPro. It easily handles Medicaid carve in/out and accurate eligibility determinations — it has the tools you need to navigate HRSA and financial audits.

Take it from UK Healthcare. They passed an audit of 100,000 prescriptions with flying colors. Or Trillium Health. ScriptPro helped them expand their 340B program to stand up contract pharmacy services for other covered entities.

Partner with ScriptPro and work with the 340B program to facilitate patient access to medications.

ScriptPro 340B real time audit ready

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