Under the Hood: Automated Dispensing Cells Require Minimal Maintenance

Under the Hood: Automated Dispensing Cells Require Minimal Maintenance

Every feature of every ScriptPro robot is built with the customer in mind. We design our products to provide the very best user experience for all clients – including making every task as user-friendly as possible.

Looking “under the hood” at the maintenance of our automated dispensing cells shows that with ScriptPro, cell maintenance is simple.

Keeping the automated dispensing cells clean requires minimal work on your part, as you can see from the brief list of steps below:

  • Use a lint-free cloth to wipe off cell spouts once a week
  • Clean cell platters as needed with a sterile cloth dampened with water
  • Shake any extended cells to move the tablets or capsules to the front of the cell
  • Inspect cells during refills for buildup

The minimal maintenance needed for automated dispensing cells gives you and your staff time to focus on more important tasks, like helping your customers.